THE Place for Colorful Wares + Pretty Paper
Wedding and Party Invitations, Stationery and the Cutest Gifts

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Questions from Cute Buttons' Customers - How Do We Say 'No Gifts, Please'?

q: My uncle and his fiance both are in their 70s and are getting married this year! They don't want their guests to buy them gifts because they feel they have enough stuff to last them two lifetimes. How do we help them let their guests know not to bring gifts?

a: Who says young love is where it's at? Love the second time around is sooooo sweet.

It can never be said enough.It's not acceptable to put "no gifts" on your wedding invitations. By the way, it's also not acceptable to put your registry on your invitation either, but we digress. We worked with a couple who didn't want gifts, nor did they want anything donated in their name for a charity. We printed "Your presence is the only gift we request" on their reception card. Short, but to the point. We recommend the same language ~ or some variation of it ~ for your uncle and his bride-to-be. Also, word of mouth is the other acceptable option. You can help them let friends + families know of their wishes.

Of course, there are going to be people who feel like a party is not a party if they don't bring a gift. That's okay, because that's on them. Remind your relatives to be gracious and by all means, make sure that guest is thanked appropriately.

Please be sure to save a piece of wedding cake for us!

Be Sweet!
Keep your questions coming

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