THE Place for Colorful Wares + Pretty Paper
Wedding and Party Invitations, Stationery and the Cutest Gifts

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Beauty in Letterpress Invitations

How is a letterpress wedding invitation different from any other? We are often asked this question.

So to help our brides out, we found a great definition on Sugar Paper's website to help define it: Dating back to the 15th century, letterpress is the original method of printing. Today, it is considered an art form in itself. Letterpress uses the relief method, in which a reversed, raised surface is inked and then pressed into a sheet of paper to obtain a positive right-reading image. Each piece of paper and envelope is hand-fed into an antique press one sheet at a time, giving each character an impression that cannot be replicated with modern machinery.

We have two great letterpress vendors ~ Louella Press and Designers' Fine Press ~ who help us create letterpress paper suites that our brides absolutely love!